Sunday, March 9, 2008

I just wanted to mix things up a bit with the font....

I haven't been posting lately because I haven't been at the hospital...I work every other weekend. It probably makes no sense to anyone that doesn't no me well....I don't have internet at my house....I actually don't really have anything....I haven't had TV reception the whole time that I have lived there (almost 4 years). I am going to step into this century and get it though.....soon.

That sounds pretty interesting.....I am sure some people are asleep by now.

I like to go out and have a good time. I have gone out the past two nights in a row which is really rare for me to do. On Friday I went to canyon inn after I stopped by Porcupine. I tried to convince some guy that he should go and cut in on a couple that was dancing. I was going to buy him a drink if he did it....I think it would have been beneficial for all parties involved had he taken me up on the offer. The couple would have felt great becasue someone wanted the lady and they would have had awesome sex that night, the interupting guy would have a free drink and I would have a great time watching and laughing at everything. But my powers of persuasion were seriously lacking that evening. So sad. I still had a great time making fun of people....

I went to Urban Lounge last night for a hip/hop show. Can you say lots of boys and not so many ladies.....hell ya. I had a great time with a few friends just dancing/making fun/checking out the fresh meat that was in mass splendor. Oh and yeah listening to some great guys and some great was awesome. Nothing really funny happened. But there was a lady in the restroom at the same time as me and we were talking about washing hands....the soap dispensor was broken so you had to reach in and get soap ( i had my beer in my mouth so i wouln't touch it after i peed). She told me that they never have soap it was really cool that she goes to that bar all the time....anyway she said that she was a stripper and that it didn't really matter if you wash your hands and that she never does when she is at work.....yuck....and why would you tell a stranger that. Let alone one that obviously has issues with washing her hands....yuck.


Ann Marie said...

You're crazy! I love reading your posts! BTW, how is that book you are reading? I am looking for something new, any recommendations for me???

Kassie said...

What the...ha/ha

Shannon said...

I'm confussed as to why you had beer in your mouth while you washed your hands. I'm even more confussed as to why the stripper doesn't wash her hands at work? I wash my hands if I give them a dirty look.