Saturday, April 12, 2008


1. So I of course work in a hospital.
2. I like to complain.
3. Somethings people do really annoy the shit out of me.

Three very obvious things about me

Well I encounter many people throughout the day. People are in a lot of pain. When people are in pain the sometimes like to verbalize it. I don't mean they like to say "gee I am in a lot of pain" they sometimes don't actually say anthing at all. THEY MOAN. When I say they moan I mean everytime they move, when we go over a bump, anything at all (usually breathing causes them to moan). They usually don't have very good smelling breath( the docs fault won't let them eat or drink).
I just want people to understand that we know they are in pain or they probably wouldn't be here. This is a hospital we treat people who are in pain. WE KNOW YOU ARE IN PAIN. STOP MOANING. You are using valuable engery that could be used to help your body heal.
This is just some valuable information that I would like to pass on to you people out there in bloggerland.

As a side note I have a co-worker and sometimes we like to play the MOANING game and so everytime we move we have to moan. It is a lot of fun but really annoying if you are not playing it.


Natalie Jo said...

i am so not surprised by this post. you hate when people moan, eat loud and talk in movies. from now on I am going to moan a lot when I am round you. jk!

Ann Marie said...

Jacque - I love you! You are so funny! Thanks for the info!

Danielle said...

I am laughing at you moaning just for fun...can we do that sometime to annoy Kris?

Bryce & Nicole said...

Jacque, you never seem to let me down.... just like you said it's a great story. And I love stories!

Bill Page said...

ok you crack me up. afer I had my c-section and gall bladder removed. (less than 12 hours apart) when they moved me into recovery after the second surgery I am positive I did the breathing thing and I am pretty sure my breath smelt like dog poo. I truly feel bad for the nurses and doctors and pretty much anyone that had to deal with me. I am sorry for all the moaners :)