Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Okay so most of you know that I am not a talker. I use economy with my language skills. I try not to always be talking. I don't think it is always necessary to banter with people, IE: coworkers, strangers in line, people that you don't know or have anything in common with, tellers, clerks, any of the above and/or sales persons.

It is like that talking heads song "say something once why say it're talking a lot but you're not saying lips are sealed" it goes on but why bore you. I just feel that if we don't have much in common or I have already been talking to you about lots and lots of things it is okay to just not talk. Don't try to drum up some random convo....and if I don't jive with it don't say something dumb like...."well there goes the small talk." Believe me I just think you are being a big ass.

I know talking is good and good communication is even better....but for the love of god try to just chill and not open your mouth because you can't stand to let you brain think and ponder. Let others enjoy the silence. Or not just don't expect me to stay in the room much longer.


Danielle said...

your kidding right? you don't like to talk?

Ann Marie said...

I totally see what you mean about making small talk with people in the elevator, etc. Who really cares about talking about the weather anyways?! But I still think this post is funny becuase you are one of my favorite people to talk to! :-) Miss ya!!!!

Nicole said...

I love your honesty...and I like talking to you too or not talking...

Natalie Jo said...

you forgot to mention how annoying you find talkers in movies.

Bryce & Nicole said...
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Kassie said...

I feel like you're really tring to say something else...ha/ha

I, on the other hand, do talk ALOT but I'll make myself feel better by saying I think alot too.

Bill Page said...

I love you!!!! I hate making small talk especially when I am by myself I don't want to talk to anyone just be alone for five seconds without kids husband etc!!

Rachie said...

Hey There! I wanted to say hello...hope you feel better!