Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So the other day I worked a double at Porcupine. For those out of touch with restaurant lingo...that means that I worked to shifts which ends up basically being all day, open to close, and most likely more than 12 hours or really stinking close. I was just helping someone out. I did it once before and I swore never to do it again, and this time I mean it.....never. Well maybe....just kidding Jess. I promise.

The day shift was blah and I was not all the way with it. Nothing remarkable happened nothing was dropped, forgotten or lost. All was moderately that possible. I drank the night before and did not run or exercise before I went to work so I was not 100% Jacque. Sucks right.

The night shift went great. I was upstairs my first few tables were awesome. Skiers and men. I do not have to say anything else. I then got a 7 person table. It was all women. They already had drinks, due to the long wait for a table. I had their waters and everything ready for them. I greeted them on time, offered and ordered their apps at their leisure....I understand that it takes women a long time to agree on things. Whatever. The first thing I hear while I am standing their waiting for their attention is one person saying "you won't believe what I did. I actually made friends with my sisters -in-laws." The person saying this is sort of slouched in her chair and you can tell she is the take charge sort (by that I mean she is bossy...she re-ordered for the girl next to her...something the way). My first impression....Jesus Christ....what a bitch.
Apps and drinks come entrees are on the way, more drinks. I am doing the general filling of waters, clearing, and all the things you expect as a diner. Everything comes on time, it is correct, I brought extra plates and condiments for all those sharing. All which it expected and due to you as a patron. I split the bills, even though it was not specified at the beginning, which is hard with so many drink and split items. I told them it would take a few extra minutes to do this.
This 7 top of women chill for a few more minutes...prob 10. I get the receipt and the bossy yet relaxed lady had left me a nice little reminder on how to treat people.
"It would have been nice if you could have shown a little kindness I was displaying it. I would have tipped you tripple."(sic)

This lady needs to fuck off. I only reflected the poorly created image that she was displaying. I was laughing and having a good time with the rest of my tables. Basically she and I did not really jive with each other and as you all know I have a hard time hiding these things. I show how I feel clearly in all my facial expressions and I was also probably tired.

The main theme of this bloggy is that I don't have to kiss your ass just because you are eating at my restaurant. I will not kiss your ass. I will not be fake to your ass unless I want to do so. I do not need your money if it means sacrificing anything like my personal dignity. Think about that the next time you go out. Most likely she did not think about this. I am a person I have judgements, reservations and I can make up my own mind. I will do all of these things all the time, or whenever I choose to, so be careful how you treat me. You just might get the exact same in return.


Kassie said...

ha/ha/ha hee hee

She was an unhappy hooker slut.

I don't expect you to kiss my ass.

Ann Marie said...

Did she write that to you or say it to you???? What a bitch and you ROCK!!! Couldn't agree with you more and BTW I am totally the same, cannot hide my feelings from anyone. No shame in it, it's just HONESTY.

UMMM, I would love it if you could write one of your stories like every day - I need my Jaqcue fix since I can't see you. :(

I am Melfy said...

Yes!! I'm with you!! Did I ever tell you that was one of the reasons why I picked a career in healthcare? If people want to treat you like shit you can, to some extent, return the treatment. I had a patient once that was being so disrespectful I told her I wasn't going to take her shit. That's right, "I'm not going to take this shit from you". It's weird; the second you stand up for yourself and drop a minor swear word into your statement, all of a sudden you earn respect.
Diners are generally assholes. Way to go Jacque!

Amber Snow said...

Don't you love getting told how to do your job by someone that's probably never waited tables in their life, let alone a double shift. I might have told her to fck off right there and where she could stick her tip. Especially after 12 hours. I am proud of you

Breezer said...

I totally think you should kiss my ass regardless of whether you're my server or not :)j/k I feel the pain, which is why i'll never serve again. Good to see you're writing since I don't see ya anymore. I miss you soooo. Bree

Nicole said...

She is lucky that you held your tongue...she could take her anyday. Rude people at restaraunts are annoying. Love to read this stuff...thanks for the laugh. You are hard to get in touch with busy lady so I like when you update!

Kassie said...

I texted you Happy Birthday yesterday and it came back so

HAPPY STINKIN BIRTHDAY!!! I hope you had a lot of fun, had a ful-filling past year and have even more great experiences to make ahead!
