Sunday, April 20, 2008

Potty Mouth

So yeah most of you know that I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut about things that I feel strongly about. Well I have turned it into something else. I have become extremely "bold" that is how some friends refer to it. It usually happens with boys. I just up and say whatever I want....I mean not like anything inappropriate. I just well I have poor timing and someday I hope it will get better. I just need to leave things alone and let them sit for a minute. I am not going to post what really transpired. It is a need to hear in person kind of thing. Let's just say I wish i would have waited to say what I said. I hope he still wants to be my I said. Who knows....he probably thinks that I am a crazy person now. Sucks cause he was fun.


Ann Marie said...

I totally relate to how you feel. Sometimes I am "bold" in expressing my opinions too and then you feel bummed that you let it go too far. Before you guys found me in Blogworld, a group of my girlfriends were all reading this book that they absolutely LOVED and couldn't put down, etc. So naturally, being a book enthusiast, I picked it up and HATED it. SERIOUSLY it was so cheesy, poorly written and the main character was this poathetic lovestruck girl who's world revolved I mean REVOLVED around this guy and that was it. So I wrote a post and ripped the book to shreds saying everything I loathed about it and how I couldn't tolerate to read one maore page about this patheitc uni-faceted girl. Needless to say, the comments got ugly and I ended up feeling really BAD. I ended up deleting the post and it took a while for me to recover. Bottom line - - it happens to us all. It's these learning lessons that make us better! Don't be too hard on yourself! :-) Love ya!

Danielle said...

Hey ann marie you have found a fellow disliker (to be kind) of that book. Poorly written and frankly so boring I couldn't stand it. I tried so hard to get into it but read until page 350 and it was useless. I would rather read something that was written well and where the characters were so self absorbed. I have to keep my disdain for that book to myself b/c there are sooooo many who absolutely love it and for some reason it makes me think they aren't the smartest if they like it...I know that is rude but it was that bad to me.....PS I have a copy of it someone gave me that I am willing to let go of so if there are any of you out there that really want to know let me know and I will gladly give it to you.

Danielle said...

PS bold? I guess being bold is a nice way to put that you are blunt and say what you mean...I get it all too often. I think it comes by our family naturally.

J Z said...

Um he is still my friend...I might have over reacted in the new phone change over I wasn't recieving any of his texts...but when I got my new phone they were there....and I wasn't mean to him...most people I him I just could have waited to say what I did.

Natalie Jo said...

bold, you never! i think we all pretty much tell it like it is. unless we are in proper mode and then I tend to not be so "bold". i have often been called blunt. but i think bold is a much nicer term. (i agree with danielle on this.) what book are you guys talking about? does it have to do with vampires? if so, i know a single guy who is convinced that edward has ruined dating for him. he hates to be compared to him. hello ladies, he is a character!!

Shannon said...

Sounds like you have a juicy story. I would love to hear it sometime.

Ann Marie said...

Danielle - YAY! I am not alone! Thanks - - The part that killed me the most was how they kept building up what his skin would do in the light - - for like 70 pages or something making a HUGE deal about it. The climax?! It " glittered like a marble statue". OOOh - now that is exciting reading! So so LAME!!!!! And then when she went to the vampire's house and it was just a regular house where they played baseball! Ha! LAME . . . I wanted her to find something exciting and more vampire-ish. LAME LAME LAME!!!!

J Z said...

now I know what books not to read